Summer Internship
God's Farm gives college-age followers of Christ the opportunity to spend their summer serving at-risk youth from metro Atlanta. Interns lead campers in outdoor activities including fishing, canoeing, a ropes course, learning about plants and animals and Bible studies. Whether you are interested in a career in ministry, just love the great outdoors, or have a calling to invest in kids, God's Farm summer internships are an amazing way to grow in your faith while helping youth do the same.
Thank you for your interest in becoming a summer intern.
2024 Summer Orientation and Camp dates/times to be announced.
God’s Farm is not a summer job; it is an opportunity to serve the Lord.
Please fill out the application below. You will be contacted to schedule an interview.

Counselor Testimonials

"My summer as an intern at God’s Farm was the best summer of my life! Through the long days of teaching kids archery, feeding farm animals, and canoeing, I found myself constantly smiling. The kids at God’s Farm are genuinely excited to be there, and it made my job as a camp counselor so easy. My favorite part of camp was definitely leading the bible studies. I grew up in the church, so I’ve heard the stories I was teaching numerous times. However, it was so amazing to see the kids’ faces light up in wonder as many of them heard them for the first time. In addition, being an overnight intern was especially rewarding. Since the campers are only there for four days, staying overnight allows you more time to form relationships with them. It also allows you to get to know the other counselors as well. God’s Farm is so fulfilling and will honestly be the best summer of your life!"
"God's Farm is my favorite place in the world. There is no more meaningful way to spend your summers than by working with kids, teaching them about Jesus, and having fun with the other interns. You finish every day completely exhausted and so full of joy you won't know what to do with it all. My favorite moments are when kids get really involved in bible study - I once talked about the Parable of the Unmerciful Servant with a group of 9-year-olds, and they spent 45 minutes asking me questions about the meaning of forgiveness and how to pursue a life with less sin. God's Farm fills my summers with laughter and adventure, and with purpose and fulfillment."

"This past summer was the best of my life. A lot of times you hear people say that things were "life changing" but that wasn't the case at God's Farm, it was something much deeper. This past summer was life confirming and faith changing; I realized the calling on my life to go into full-time ministry and my view of God was radically changed. I was able to fully grasp God's love not only for me but for the children that came to that small farm on Chalkley Road. My days were full of leading groups of children in various activities such as archery, fishing, canoeing, team-building activities, and feeding farm animals. As much fun as the activities were, the Bible stories that we would go over made the days as great as they were. Stories that I became used to from growing up in church and watching every veggie tale possible were met by children with sparkling eyes eager to learn about a man named Jesus that loves them no matter what. It is truly amazing what impact only four days with campers will leave on you. Being at God's Farm is easily one of the most rewarding opportunities I have ever experienced and I can't wait to be there again."
"I grew up in a stable middle class home on a little hobby farm, fairly well sheltered from trauma, and always provided with more than I needed to live a happy life. After finishing my degree, I began to realize just how privileged I was, and felt compelled to find a way to share from the blessings I had received. A friend was able to help me get connected to God's Farm, and it was a perfect match. I love
helping kids learn more about their world and its Creator, seeing the wonder and excitement as they catch their first fish, or have a goat eat from their hands. I'm continually surprised that there are so many children who have never heard the stories of David and Goliath, Daniel
in the lions' den, or Jesus calming the storm, and it's an
unforgettable experience to have one of them ask for another story instead of rushing off to the pool when the Bible study is over.
Just as awesome are the people with whom I work, and they make the experience as memorable as the campers. A special bond is formed by spending fourteen hours a day sharing God's love with our campers, and it takes a special people to do it. I treasure the time I get to spend with the other staff members, whether it's working or downtime
activities like playing on the ropes course, watching movies, or just sitting around chatting. The family I've gained at God's Farm is as much a reason for me staying here as any other.
I've undergone so much personal development at God's Farm since my first summer in 2007. I gained leadership skills as I guided campers through activities and volunteers in service projects. I developed my public speaking skills by teaching lessons. I learned and honed construction skills. I learned to drive a tractor, use a chain saw, and drive a manual transmission car. The single coolest thing I've ever done was designing and building the ropes course here at camp."

I came to God’s Farm with the intention to fill my summer with something new, fun, and meaningful instead of sitting around at home. However, I took away much more from it than I was anticipating. There is nothing I would rather do than spend my days outside teaching the inner city kids of Atlanta about all of the things I love about Christ and the outdoors. It has been so rewarding to watch the campers grow as they come back every summer and even more so, how I have grown. I never would have expected that I would gain so much by serving others at this camp. I have gained incredible relationships among counselors, a new strength in Christ, stronger leadership skills, fun crazy memories, and knowledge about random things like how to teach kids archery. This is why I have continued to come back to God’s Farm for three summers in a row as an overnight counselor and why I don’t plan on stopping.